Welcome: Xinxinke Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

About Us

Xinxinke Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to the electronic components industry, mainly engaged in integrated circuit IC chips, MCU single chip, sensors, passive components and other products, which are widely used in industrial control, medical electronics, automotive electronics, military/avionics, communications/networks, power management, power security, radio frequency microwave communications, satellite communications, mobile communication base stations, radar, instrumentation, radio Academic research and development. 

In order to link the supply and demand relationship between semiconductor electronic component manufacturers and traders and end product manufacturers, and build a trade bridge between all parties, after years of accumulation and efforts, we have established and become distributors and distributors of several well-known semiconductor manufacturers. 

We can help you reduce costs, manage inventory and bridge supply gaps. Our goal is to provide professional service with industry leading quality and reliability.

Providing you with New and Original parts as well as superior customer service has always been our top priorities. We are comitted to building long term relationships with our customers.You can count on us for your electronic .

The headquarter of the company is located in Shenzhen, China. With the business philosophy of "reputation first, quality first", and adhering to the "first-class reputation, first-class service", the company wholeheartedly provides customers with supporting services for a series of electronic components.

At Xinxinke®,we pride ourselves on fast delivery, diverse product offerings and excellent customer service.Welcome to contact us by telephone or email to establish a long-term friendly and mutually beneficial cooperative relationship.




Contact: Jenny Chen

Phone: 86-13480819877

Tel: 86-13480819877

Email: cody@cnxinxinke.com

Add: Rm 2605, 26/F, Duhuixuan, Century Plaza, Zhonghang Road, Futian District, Shenzhen,Guangdong

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